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ΤσαλδάρηςΣημείωνε ο Παναγής Τσαλδάρης σε χρόνια αλλεπάλληλων κινημάτων και αντιδημοκρατικών εκτροχιασμών τα παρακάτω: “Όταν συνηθίσωμεν να ζώμεν και να κινούμεθα μέσα εις την νομιμότητα, θα γίνωμεν το στερεότερον κράτος και η δικαιοτέρα κοινωνία. Αυτού του πράγματος έχομεν προ παντός άλλου ανάγκη…”. Ας αναλογιστούν τα λόγια του οι πένες της πεντάρας… που εν μέσω βαθέως θέρους έστρεξαν σε καιρούς ανερμάτιστους και ραγδαίων μεταλλαγών να στηρίξουν εμμέσως ή αμέσως την απροκάλυπτη αυθαιρεσία και τον εξτρεμισμό των καταληψιών του Παραρτήματος και του Μαραγκοπουλείου εν Πάτραις… Αιδώς Αργείοι… Η ώρα του καθαρισμού της κόπρου του Αυγείου έρχεται αδυσώπητη και δυστυχώς δεν υπάρχουν εδώ και κάποια χρόνια ανεύθυνοι… Ούτε ανεύθυνες πένες… Η  δημοκρατική πρωτοπορία που θα βγάλει τη χώρα από την κρίση θα είναι μαζί τους αμείλικτη…

Ecumenical citizens of a city built to a lost purpose…


Dedicated to Karolina and Zois…

…This gives one the feeling that local people, rooted in Trieste, still run the city, in a composed way that they no longer do in most cities of the Western world… There are still prominent citizens whose lives overlap the several spheres, economic and artistic, social and political. It is a tradition here…  (for instance) in the 1760s the Count von Koenigsbrunn was not only Trieste’s chief of police, but also its theatre director…

“Trieste and the meaning of Nowhere”

Jan Morris

Ιχνηλασία θερινής διαδρομής…



Thinking about the devastating crisis in Syria and Egypt… or “the Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick”

Peter-handke“The world, the so-called world, knows everything about Serbia, Yugoslavia… The world, the so-called world, knows everything about Slobodan Milošević. The so-called world knows the truth. This is why the so-called world is absent today, and not only today, and not only here. I don’t know the truth. But I look. I listen. I feel. I remember. This is why I am here today, close to Yugoslavia , close to Serbia…”

 Peter Handke, Serbia, 18.03.2006

handke01vA photograph triggering strong feelings amid participants of the IFMSA March Meeting 2002 who visited the Sopoconi Monastery in central Serbia…

“The Flies”

A passage from the article: No Reply from Yugoslavia…

Panos Alexopoulos

…The day of social and cultural program of the IFMSA March Meeting 2002 included a visit to the “Sopoconi” monastery in central Serbia, which is a site under the UNESCO protection program. The  medical students, who paid the visit,  were welcomed by father Savvas, a Serbian monk who had studied in Great Britain. All medical students were, in fact, astonished by his spiritual introduction not only to the history of the monastery, but also to the invaluable significance of the cultural treasurers of this important monument of Faith, such as the Frescos, which are among the most important European works of art of this kind. Moreover, father Savvas’ speech was based on the religious truth that Love and Peace not only among nations, but even more among the different parts of the personality within a human being contribute to its becoming immune to messages and propagation resulting in the perpetual hatred among countries and communities, as well as in mental illnesses. Father Savvas’ impressive and inspiring speech was the echo of the Orthodox spirituality brilliantly lightened by the gentle breeze of the peaceful testimony of Eastern Christianity in the era of globalization…

“The peace across the globe is a request of civilization : a request of sense in relationships among people and peaceful co-existence of national traditions ….” Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

VAGUS-  The IFMSA Newsletter, Spring 2002

Taking a medical history as hearing a contrary melody…



                         Photo by Παναγιώτης Παπαθεοδωρόπουλος                         (

… I was as happy sitting in clinic, taking histories from the women there as I had been anywhere in my life. It reminded me of when, as a child, I had been taught in music lessons how to seperate strands of sound one from another, how to listen to a piece of piano-playing and be able to sing back to the teacher either line from the combined score, the treble or bass. In this altogether different setting I began to see that the words a patient uttered were not always what counted most; that there might be a more important meaning beyond what was being said, a contrary melody, if only I could train my ear to hear it…

“Dirty Work”, Gabriel Weston (Winner of the 2010 Pen/Ackerley Prize)



Σώμα, Αίμα, μνήμη…



“Μπαμπά μπορώ να μιλήσω;…”


Δυο Χαμάδες…

…I was so touched that I could have fallen on my knees, only I was too young in those days not to feel ashamed of showing emotion. And since that hour I have also realised that a man must be quite mature or at least very experienced before he can reveal his feelings without the handicap of shame… ‘Τhe Emperor’s Tomb’ Josef Roth



Jean Goldkette ‘Painting the Clouds with Sunshine’



Λόγος τιμονιέρη με χέρι σταθερό…


Η “ζωή” που δεν χωρούσε στη ζωή του…

Του Κωνσταντίνου Μάγνη, ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ της Κυριακής, 19 Μαϊου 2013