Opatel, 1st training seminar @ Upatras, 20/11/2017

Opatel, 1st training seminar @ Upatras, 20/11/2017

OPATEL is a new Erasmus+ project in Key Action 2 (KA2), related to the cooperation for innovation, the exchange of good practices and capacity building in Higher Education. OPATEL means “Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran”.

The University of Patras participates in the OPATEL consortium, which consist of 3 Universities in Europe (Germany, Greece and Portugal), 5 Universities in Iraq and 3 Universities in Iran.

During the week of November 20th, 2017, the University of Patras organized the 1st Opatel seminar. During this seminar we had the opportunity to share experiences in e-learning and academic information systems with our colleagues from Iran and Iraq. Below you can find my presentations in this seminar.