

  • Androutsos, A. A., Apostolopoulos, T. K., & Daskalou, V. C. (2000). Managing the network state evolution over time using CORBA environment. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications18(5), 654-663.
  • Apostolopoulos, T. K., & Daskalou, V. C. (1998). Temporal network management information model and services. Journal of Network and Systems Management6(3), 245-265.
  • Apostolopoulos, T. K., & Daskalou, V. C. (1997). Temporal network management model: Concepts and implementation issues. Computer Communications20(8), 694-708.


  • Daskalou, V. (2022). Data driven decision making: first research insights from young Greek High Growth Firms. Regional Growth Conference 2022, 9.6.2022.
  • Daskalou, V. & Komninou, M. Designing an online entrepreneurship course for Higher Education: preliminary issues and challenges. Proc, of the 10th Pan-Hellenic and International Conference “ICT in Education”, Ioannina, Greece, September 2016.
  • Daskalou V., Gkypali A., Komninou M. and Tsekouras K. Identifying current training needs of young Greek entrepreneurs: insights from a focus group. Proc. of the 1st Pan-Hellenic Conference “Greece – Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, Innovation and Economy”, Athens, 1-3 July 2016.
  • Apostolopoulos T., Daskalou V., Diamantidis N., Halkiadakis G., Kefala A. Web-Based Forest Fire Management Information Model And Services. Proc. of 1999 Western MultiCONFERENCE (WEBSIM’99), San Francisco, California, January 17-21, 1999.
  • Apostolopoulos T., Daskalou V., Kefala A., Zavras A., Experience from the Development of New Services and Applications over High-speed Networks. Proc. of International Conference on Systems Engineering, ICSE99, Las Vegas, USA, 9-12 August, 1999.
  • Zavras A., Daskalou V., “Putting it All Together: The Development of an Integrated Network Management System”, Proceedings of the 1st International SANE (System Administration and Networking) Conference, Maastricht, November 1998.
  • Apostolopoulos T. K., Daskalou V. C., Katsikas S. K., Moulinos K. D., “Enforcing Security Policies in Large Scale Communication Networks”, Proceeding of the Workshop on Security in Large Scale Communication Distributed Systems, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, October 1998.
  • Apostolopoulos T. K., Daskalou V. C., “Network management services using a temporal information model”, Proceedings of the 5th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM’97, San Diego, USA, May 1997.
  • Apostolopoulos T. K., Daskalou V. C., “The Role of the Time Parameter in a Network Security Management Model”, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications, Alexandria, Egypt, June 1997.
  • Apostolopoulos T. K, Daskalou V. C., “SNMP-based Network Security Management using a Temporal Database Approach” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Security (IFIP SEC ’96), Greece, May 1996.
  • Apostolopoulos T. Daskalou V., ‘A Model for SNMP Based Performance Management Services’, Proceedings of IEEE SICON/ICIE ‘95, Singapore, July 1995.
  • Apostolopoulos T. K., Daskalou V. C., “On the Implementation of a Prototype for Performance Management Services”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Computer and Communications, Alexandria, Egypt, June 1995.


  • Daskalou V., “Innovation and Capabilities Building of new High Growth Firms: The case of Greece”, Postgraduate Program of Studies in Social Innovation and Development Strategies, University of Peloponnese, 24 April 2021.
  • Victoria Daskalou, M. Komninou, “Cultivating an ‘entrepreneurial spirit’: Insights from the OpEn online course“,  International Conference “Alliance for Entrepreneurship and Development in Western Greece”, Patras, Greece, December 2017.
  • Victoria Daskalou, “The OpEn online course: A learning walk in digital entrepreneurship“, Open-up Entrepreneurship Final Forum, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2017.
  • Victoria Daskalou, “Upatras Quality Assurance Information System”, Quality Assurance Workshop, Feb. 2013
  • Victoria Daskalou, “The future of Greek University and the role of Web Science”, WebScienceNet Workshop, July 2010.
  • Victoria Daskalou, “E-learning @ Can we flip the classroom?;», GUnet workshop for e-learning, September 2006.
  • Voyatzis A., Daskalou V., Konstantopoulos S. Lekatsas G. “Using Free/Open Source Software for the development of large-scale telematics services”, 2nd FLOSS Conference: The development opportunities in Education, Government and Enterprises, April 2004.
  • Daskalou V., «Challenges of integrating the e-learning framework with telematic infrastructure», Workshop for The Active Role of Libraries in Web Based Education, April 2003.

Technical Reports and Studies

  • Identifying the capabilities of young Greek innovative firms“, SPILEF Project Technical Report (in Greek), October 2021.
  • Capability building and learning insights from young Greek high growth firms”, SPILEF Project Technical Report (in Greek), August 2022.
  • “The Digital Leap of the University of Patras”, University of Patras, December 2008.
  • “Study for upgrading the Data Network of the Athens University of Economics and Business using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology”, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Committee, September 1997.
  • “Study for the Design of an Integrated Environment for the Management, Design and Optimization of Networks of the Athens University of Economics and Business”, Athens University of Economics and Business Research Committee, August 1997.