Personal Information
Nikolaos Malamos is Associate Professor of Irrigation and Drainage, Modelling of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere interactions, at the Department of Agriculture, of the University of Patras
He graduated from the Agricultural University of Athens, he received his M.Sc. from the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and his Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences from the Department of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering. He received a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation, for the attainment of his doctoral thesis in the field of Agricultural Hydraulics – Irrigation.
He worked in the private and public sector as an irrigation expert. He participated in several research projects on the field of irrigation, hydroinformatics and geographic information systems.
His activity focuses in Soil Hydrology, in Spatial Analysis and Hydroinformatics.
He was a member of the Editorial Board (Associate Editor) of the Hydrological Sciences Journal, which is the official Journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences – IAHS
Short CV
Contributions: Google Scholar or ResearchGate or Scopus
Agricultural Hydraulics Laboratory
The Agricultural Hydraulics Laboratory is located at the ground floor of the Department of Agriculture building K24 (Room I24).
Its mission is to develop irrigation and drainage water management practices and methods that use water efficiently, improve agricultural productivity and sustainability, and reduce negative environmental impacts of irrigated agriculture.
It is active in three domains: research, teaching and services:
- Analysis and modelling of interactions between plants, soil and atmosphere
- Irrigation scheduling and forecasting
- Spatial interpolation methods
- Data assimilation and parameter estimation
- Application of advanced mathematical techniques in agricultural water management – Hydroinformatics
The Laboratory is responsible for courses in Irrigation and Drainage, Agricultural Hydraulics, Soil Physics and Geographic Information Systems. Also on the premises of the laboratory take place placement of students through participation in research.
The Laboratory provides advice and services to government authorities and organisations and also participates in national and international projects.
Types of lab tests and field works:
- Soil water retention curves
- Bulk density and soil moisture of soil samples
- Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity through constant head , falling head and Guelph permeameter methods
- Infiltration measurements
- Soil moisture measurements and monitoring through time domain reflectometry (TDR) and dielectric-capacitance probes
- Irrigation systems design using software
- Irrigation systems auditing
Geographic Information Systems:
- Data collection with GPS, digitizing
- Thematic maps production
- Spatial modelling and analysis